Electronic mail has become, without doubt, the standard means of
communication in everyday business life. The price that many enterprises have to
pay for the use of E-Mail systems, however, is high. It concerns not only the
initial costs, but above all the expenses for the management, administration and
storage of email messages. On a global scale, billions of electronic letters are
sent every day, and the tendency is rising. Mailboxes with a volume of data of
50 megabyte and more are not a rare care, attachments such as diagrams,
presentations or videos contribute additionally to the abundance of data.
Local data retention in particular, which is typical for Exchange users, often leads to technical problems and, in the sum, to enormous subsequential support costs. In case of a release change to a new Exchange version, locally stored data causes additional expenses, since all PST files must be imported manually, afterwards. The fact that many email messages that are stored decentralized, contain business-critical information such as customer data, contract arrangements etc. gives an additional headache to IT and support personnel.
These problems can be solved with solid and innovative email archiving solutions. With leading solution vendors on our side, we can offer you a portfolio of products that is custom-tailored to your individual needs and requirements and can be implemented in a minimum of time, which means an additional reduction of costs.
Curious? Talk to us - we 're ready to help! |